What are Dental Implants?

Since they were first developed in the 1970s, modern dental implants have grown in popularity as a tooth replacement method. It is a dental implantsrevolutionary treatment that is helping about 500,000 patients per year according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. This procedure can be performed by Dr. Rosanne Palermo, a family dentist in Erie, PA. Learn more about dental implants, and how they can help rebuild your smile.

Dental Implants Replace Missing Teeth
The part of your tooth that shows above the gum line is only the crown. Below the gum  line  there is a root that is firmly entrenched in your bone tissue. A dental implant replaces that root and integrates with healthy bone tissue so that a new crown can be installed. Unlike a removable denture, the implant cannot be removed and is indistinguishable from your other teeth.

Building a Dental Implant
A dental implant is made of a small titanium rod that looks very similar to a screw. The titanium material is biocompatible, which makes it ideal for combining with the bone tissue in a process called osseointegration. Once it is firmly in place, which may take a few months, your Erie, PA, family dentist will add an abutment device, which will support a dental crown.

Implant Benefits
After tooth loss, you may assume that your only option is to wear a denture device that could slip out at any time. But when you have an implant you don’t have to worry about slippage or embarrassing situations. Once your dental implant is installed, you’ll soon forget that you even have one because the titanium part is hidden. It’s just like having a new tooth and modern crowns look very natural. Having an implant will help your bone tissue stay healthy and viable. When you take good care of your teeth and gums, the implant could be a part of your mouth for a lifetime. 

Your Dental Implant Consultation
It’s important that you have a dentist check your teeth soon after tooth loss if you want to be considered for a dental implant. Call (814) 833-3001 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rosanne Palermo at her Erie, PA, family dentist office.

Erie, PA Family Dentist
Dr. Rosanne M. Palermo
3437 West Lake Rd
Erie, PA 16505
(814) 833-3001
 Call For Pricing Options

Feel free to contact our Erie office with any questions. We look forward to making each visit to our office a positive experience.